I received an upgrade from Fusioncopter to solve an issue with multiple null flights being recorded- apparently due to 'chatter' from the rotor rpm sensor during taxiing. That problem appears to be solved.
I have found 2 bugs in the version they sent (v514).
The GMT timezone offset is a bit arsey-boo. We are now in NZDT at GMT+13 hours, but the +13 offset actually gives GMT+11. +12 offset gives GMT+12 and +11 offset gives GMT+13. Not a biggy- I set +11 to get the correct time on the display and in the flight logs.
I am losing flight logs for flights over 100. At the end of flight the flight time shows correctly on the main page and at the top of the flight log, but if you cycle power the flight log is truncated back to flight 100, wrapping around to flight 1. The exported flight log is also limited to flights 1-100.
I have notified Fusioncopter- it's only software so not a biggy to fix.
But just a heads up if you hit those problems.
Appreciate the heads up, will keep an eye on this .