What is the fuel burn, cruise speed and range of a Nano Gyro? I can't find specs anywhere. Information like that as well as useful load would be nice to know.
Are door available? I live in Washington State. Summer is nice, the other 11.75 months of the year can be cold and wet. It would be nice to be able to stay dry!
Yes but as I understand it Experimental requires a standard pilots license which I cannot Medically get.
Fusioncopter hopes to have a kit built version by end of next year. You could go full experimental and not fall under part 103 rules.
Out of curiosity, what would have to change to accommodate my weight or I guess I'm saying, how do you increase useful load?
Sadly 245 is the current max weight for the Nano 50hp.
And the useful load? I weigh 300 lbs and am pretty much stuck that way due to Diabetes. Can I fly the 50hp under part 103 rules?
High 40's for normal cruise for the 50hp, the Hirth is supposed to have a better fuel burn .vs. Minari, I am guess 1hr 45min to 2hr flight time. no doors are available because of the Ultralight weight limit. I guess you could fab some yourself and hope the FAA doesn't find you which is very doubtful. :)
Have a look at the Fusioncopter Poland website > fusioncopter.eu
It will cover most of your questions.
Be aware that the 50HP specs are for the Minari engine, to be replaced by the Hirth, but I would expect similar specs.
You will need a nice thick insulated flight suit!